Dollhouse anyone? I gotsa crush again!

So what do folks think of Dollhouse? I havent seen all the eps that have aired yet so I dont know yet if I am gonna be full on obsessed. I actually thought the first ep was abit slow but by ep three (last one I saw) its started to get interesting….probably because Echo is starting to recall stuff.

OHOH!! i just remembered what I was thinking when I was watching it. Apart from the wiping of the ‘actives’ memories and the age of the dolls, oh and the fact there are also male dolls – the handlers and stuff made me think of the anime series Gunslinger Girl a little. Especially the fact that the dolls sometimes go a bit ker-azy which happened in Gunslinger Girl also.

Eliza is just gorgeous as ever – the wench! And it was soo cool to see Amy Acker again.

Poor Tahmoh Penikett (Paul the FBI dude) – its like the first season of BSG – hes running around doing stuff seperate from the rest of the cast atm.
Speaking of him – i have a crush. I blame you Dollhouse. When I first watched BSG it was all about Jamie Bamber.
I just got the mini series and first three seasons of BSG on dvd at last and i am obsessing over Helo big time. DAMN YOU DOLLHOUSE!!!!!!!!

It was funny – I was watching the first ep and I was all ‘is taht hot guy Helo from BSG?’ and i had to pause it to check if i was right. heh

ANYWAYS! So yeah – I am bitter man! I love the name Echo but now i can never use it coz people will think I am copying Dollhouse!

I’ve heard good things about the newest ep. Looking forward to seeing it! But I have a few eps to go before I get there.
I jealous of you all who have seen it.

Oh and I havent seen ANY OF SEASON 4 of BSG so if anyone spoils me THEY DIE!!
Stupid sci fi mags already spoiled me about someone being a cylon. Made me super cranky! And with that I will shut up.