Tats and stuff

Honestly – this isnt a Richard Armitage blog! It just so happens I feel like blogging about him quite a bit. 😀

Anyways so I just watched ep 3 of Season 8 of Spooks. Now no spoilers apart from the fact that I started crying near the end y’all! More importantly what was up with the new tat on Lucas’ wrist?? Am I totally blind and you guys have seen that sucker before or is this a real first sighting of it??

I may need to go back and watch every second of Season 7 again to check… 😀

[edit] a few people on the AA forum went back and found a couple of scenes in season 7 were you can see that tat but its usually covered by his watch. Stupid watch wearing spy! 😀

I really should have done a quick screencap of it coz it was pretty excitig – Lucas has his shirt off next ep. Thanks Spooks writers!

Anyways in non-Armitage blogging I am just gonna link this list of steampunk books here coz I LOVE the idea of steampunk but have really only read one book that would definately fit the category and I want to read more.
Bookmark it you say? Have you SEEN my bookmarks?? I can never find anything anymore. Or use Delicious? I always forget about it when it matters!

Also I spent an awfully long time reading various entries on this page today when i was checking up on my spelling and understanding of deus ex machina. I like how they name things.
And I have come to the conclusion that the Supernatural writers are giving the boys a Chekhov’s Armoury made of obvious! And if its true i am VERY disappointed in them!

ARGH! I just noticed I had a bunch of new comments on recent posts. I turned the comment moderation off yesterday and just added the word verification thing instead…..BUT I forgot to turn on the notification emails that someone had commented (I would get them when I had comment moderation on). Well I have fixed it now. YAY! Its nice to know people are reading…even if it is only coz of RA! 😀