RA Photo Friday! Its the final countdown!

Yay! Go me! Instead of posting this as Friday almost finishes, I am posting as Friday starts!

So inspired by Lucas in Spooks in the ep where lil Ben goes undercover in the terrorist group, I was thinking wouldnt it be fun to see if there were pics of RA counting with his fingers. A week and a half at the Armitage Army and I finally found the one pic I needed to complete my quest (I havent seen the Sparkhouse yet). Behold!!

Admittedly the Sparkhouse pic was a bit of a stretch but I was so set on my picture theme that I was ready to accept ANYTHING…I even considered committing gross acts of photoshopery on Richards person to make it work. Instead I have a super gooftastic pic to use! HURRAH!

Anyhoo – Harry is pretty swoontastic choice for #1 but it was a tough coz I had options…check out this yummy pic I could have had as #1.

Seriously – in that pic he looks a bit like the guy who plays Harry in Silent Witness a few seasons back with the scruffy hair…does anyone else see a resemblance??

Anyhoo – maybe I will make an animated gif on the weekend with these counting pics to amuse myself….

And with that I shall go to bed coz I gotta be in up in 3 and half hours to get ready for work! YAY! O.o