its a DA family post!

Damn i am being prolific with the blogging lately….probably because most of these posts qualift as livejournal brain farts and i usually post this shit over there..hahaha

Watch this video at your own risk!
Access – Yume wo mitai kara (live) ~ 1994

These days I love how frakking lame these guys used to be. It makes me laugh my arse off. And their more recent music has been better so I DO love them…no matter how uncool they are. Ah Daisuke and Hiro….you make a girl smile!
BUT if i had seen this shit in 1994 I would have been ‘what the fuck is this??????????’ i had delusions of coolness then you see. Sure I still listened to lame pop music but this would not have even reached even that level on my ‘acceptable music’ scale. 😀

haha – and is it just me or are Daisukes teeth totally crooked (the guy on the keytar who isnt really singing)???? I am sure they dont look that bad NOW (hmm maybe he just keeps his mouth shut these days so i dont see ’em…).

WOOO! Mad Soldiers (aka MADS)
MADS – Lemon Tea/Boys Jump the Midnight (live) – 1999

I had seen Lemon Tea before but not the other song. How ridiculous do they look. ah boys…..

Kenichi Ito – Iroai (live)

OMGAWD – do you know how rare stuff from Kens solo career is??? FUCKING HELL!
Yay – sharkey on da drums!! (its an inside joke)

The Seeker – Heavenly Blue (live) ~ 2001

SWEET!!!!!!!!!!! omgawd thats awesome. haha – DK is such a woman…..but thats not news to anyone! And Ken – he looks so dapper in his suit and with the black hair….though i still love Iceman-era red best! 😀

Ken and his band did a live with Kotani Kinya in 2006 and they did one of the classic Gravitation songs!!!!!! makes a fangirls ovaries EXPLODE!!!
Kinya and Kenichi – Blind Game Again (live)

Now during my all out obsession with DA family I probably shared some of the following, but I felt that after some of the above you needed some QUALITY!

Access – Real at night

The videos a bit lame but this song rocks my boat people!!!
The boys look hella tired in this vid but my friend told me they had just been flat out making the album Rippin’ GHOST and thats why they look like hell…
well actually i think Hiro looks TOTALLY hot but then he bleached that hair a bit after this and it all really went to hell!
OMGAWD I STILL HAVE IT! I had the best screen grab from this vid!!

When I shared it with my friend rachel she made some comment like ‘disco inferno baby’ and i was hysterical for like 10 minutes…ah the good ol’ days of the fandom! I miss our discussions of Hiroballs!

The Seeker – la divina commedia

this DEFINATELY will not be everyones cup of tea but i think its sounds great….some songs just make my brain feel like its vibrating like a tuning fork and the start of this song does that for me!! (though the Seeker without Ken is kinda sad….)! DK is a LOT closer to being a woman in this vid! I also suspect he has had an eyelid lift at this point….he is looking a bit freaky (well by DK standards you know……he’s already way off the normal meter)

Kotani Kinya – The Rage Beat (live)

Seriously he is the best singer out of everyone in DA family….and Ken and DA used to make the kids life HELL! omgawd those jerks! haha

Kinya – Blaze

Kinya doing his own thing – so cool. but why the hell does he keep hiding his big mouth behind the mic all the time?

Ken and Rin (Kuroda Michihiro for the ignorant) formed a new band with Sharkey and another guy called Scarecrow. Does Daisuke feel sad? I dunno – but its so cool seeing ken and Rin rock out together again!
SCARECROW – Steal Your Misery

Can someone please tell Rin to stop being so damn hot???? (see next video for more evidence of this CHRONIC problem)

Iceman – Strike Back of PSYCO

The only video where Daisuke (if you dont count the hair) looks almost hot!

Iceman – CAUTION (live) – 1999

Possibly my fave Iceman song…..wait no…Shining Collection still wins. But this is close. Haha – Daisuke no one believes you are singing. pls stop with the LIES!!!! and not sure what the hell Ken is doing…. 😀

Okay – thats enough torture for you all!!!!!!!!! But it made ME very happy!