Another random post…some serious topics included

aw hell nooooo
Today is the AFL grand final. Channel seven has the entire arvo from 12:30 till 6pm blocked out for it. just when the hell does the actual game start?
(i will forgive them only because the have Predator on at 11pm tonight and i was feeling a serious urge to watch that last night – why dont i have that on dvd yet????)
i dont usually watch it but grand finals can usually be good stuff…..not that i get AFL….i live in sydney – sure we have the Swannies but i was brought up being tortured with rugby league…..or mother screaming rugby union is “the game they play in heaven” or some such.
most of the sports mad kiddies i know call AFL gayFL. yeah – so clever. 😀

Anyways last night i was reading about that bank collapse in the US. Thats just fucking insane. How fucked up did their lending practices have to get for it to reach that state???
(I had been wondering what the fuck subprime WAS so i looked it up last night on wikipedia)
I do know that in Australia that in recent years banks have been mega pushy about home loans, offering people amounts that they probably really cant afford…..i hope this is a valuable lesson to you morons.

Anyways, I havent really been blogging about the other bg Titan job I know about – that ferry in the Philippines that capsized. There seems to have been some delays in the guys getting out there but they have finally started.
Some of the stories about a month ago seemed to imply that Titan are only going to be retrieving the toxic chemicals, but I have got the impression from more recent stories that they will help with the body retrieval too. How does a person do that as a job??? My brain can get around most of the other stuff they do, but that has got to be the worst part.
But I guess there are other jobs that have to do similar horrible stuff too….my grandfather told me once about how him and my uncle, who were in their local fire brigade, were amongst the first ones to a burnt out car crash near where they lived and saw the remains of the people in the car….and i was just freaking out as he told me about what they had to do but he goes ‘you just deal with it’. arrrrgh……

And for some fun: