More of the same…

It doesnt stop.
Seriously…I should be in bed – I want to get to work an hour earlier tomorrow and dude – I am SO not waking up on time. BUT the salvage geekery continues. Have salvage dudes had fangirls before??? I apologise to you all!

Anyways so there is this nifty page run by the Oregon state govt about the New Carissa project. Has lots of info, some different photos to the ones I have already seen, plus that Youtube video I linked the other day.

I also found this article from March with a great pic showing the barges arriving in Coos Bay.

Anyways, a few weeks ago I got my mum to read the Wired article that started all this and so I can ramble to her about it and the darling acts interested – go mum!
And I was telling my friend Maddison on Saturday night and she is my fellow sci fi/fantasy book reading co-hort and she pulled this book out of her bag by a guy named Clive Cussler and said if I want some fiction related to this weird maritime obsession then read some of this guys stuff. Sadly money hording Rebecca may have to hit the library to get some books. Too poor to buy atm.

I have to say I am sad that if you do a search for New Carissa on google you have to get to page 14 before my blog shows up, and page 8 if you search for Titan Salvage… T.T
But then no one reads this thing do they? 😀

Oh hey – I walked across the Harbour Bridge and over to Wynyard station tonight (well last night now) and the only dramas was my usual Achilles tendon pain! Shocking! Usually I get weird semi-numbness from my feet to my knees followed by other charming pains. SO yeah – was pretty pleased. And even teh Achilles tendon pain would sometimes disappear if I rolled my foot a certain way. AWESOME!
If it will just stay rain-free a bit more in the evenings I will try and do it more often. I definately prefer walking the bridge in winter – there is no sun or evil heat torturing me.

In other news – channel seven are reairing that stupid Playing It Straight show – i swear that Campbell guy went to my high school for a while.

Okay – its now 1:35am – I am going to sleep.

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