I KEEL YOU DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would just like to say I hate spiders. I REALLY hate them. I have learnt that my somewhat calm demeanor in the face of spiders that enables me to calmy go ‘dad there is a spider in here please kill it’ is all BULLSHIT when a huge spider crawls out of my wardobe and stares at me for ten minutes and there is no one here to deal with it for me – I GO INTO HYSTERICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was crying for ages just staring at it begging it to not move.

Somehow I managed to kill this guy. When it all got too much and I finally tried to hit him with my crutches he ran down the wall out of sight. I hit the bag near where he went a few times and gave up. I was sitting waiting for him to crawl up the bed and eat me.
I couldnt take it any longer and moved some stuff and there he was dead.

No love for spider!