George Lucas in Love

i was browsing Amazon AGAIN! anyways – one of the recommendations it gave me was George Lucas in Love. I hadn’t seen it before but i had read about it so i did a quick google search and on this site you can watch it. it’s only streamed to your puta – cant download it – but i just wanted to watch it, very funny – and the end – especially the bit just a little bit after the credits rolled was pure gold!!!!!

if you dont know what George Lucas in Love is – its a take off of Shakespeare in Love and is the fictional story about how young George came up with the Star Wars story. its brilliant! well – unless you’ve never seen Star Wars, and you also havent seen Shakespeare in Love – then you might not get it at all and you should be taken outside and shot. not about Shakespeare in Love – but about Star Wars. i personally am afraid of people who have never seen Star Wars.

Star Wars came out the year i was born so there’s always been Star Wars in my life. and my brother has been, still is, and shall probably always be a total Star Wars NUT!

When Return of the Jedi came out St George Building Society (now a bank) had these accounts that kids could open that were RotJ accounts and i remember you got this poster which you put these stickers on. my brother, sister and i all got one. 🙂

and have i mentioned the christmas when my EVIL PARENTS bought my cousins an Ewok each and didnt get us one – and i am not talking a little plastic one – these things were like half the size of a real ewok – they were DAMN COOL!!!!! another in the long list of crimes the parents have committed against my sister and i…………oh what a hard life i have lead. 😉