Peter Jackson and Lord of the Rings

One of my friends pointed out this URL, but I don’t wanna discuss LotR – even though I can’t wait for it. What I want to mention is this bit about the director:

“At first glance, Jackson seems an unlikely choice. His only Hollywood movie, The Frighteners, a horror comedy starring Michael J. Fox, was an unsuccessful mingling of tones that ended up pleasing few. “

Well I have to say that I really liked this film. It was on tv a few months ago here in oz and I ended up watching it and I thought it was good. So poop on all those that don’t like it.

Okay and further on in the article I want to quote this:

“Look, if every person who’s ever looked at Ain’t It Cool News goes out and sees the first Lord of the Rings movie twice on opening day, it’s still not a hit,” Hockensmith says. “It’s still a long way from being a hit. I mean, you get that and what have you got? Ten million dollars, maybe. Don’t get me wrong, the fan base is great for the film. But does it guarantee anything? Absolutely not. I mean, come on, the words Star and Wars mean an awful lot of money when you put them together. When you put the words Lord, Rings, The and Of together, do they mean as much?”

Can you say frigging moron? People have been reading these books for years – since my parents were children – there is a huge market out there for this film, waiting to see what has been done to their precious books. And there are the people….like myself (oh the tragedy of it all) who will go back again and again if they like it. Hell, I didnt think the Phantom Menace was such a great film and I went and saw it 5 times. lol