Baby bunny roaming the streets

Bunny update! I forgot to share - I took this on Friday. NEWSFLASH this is not the usual bunny!!! The usual one is 3 times bigger and a lot more skittish. This is a baby bunny!!!!!  (bit hard to tell with nothing else nearby to tell the size) And he did one lil hop away from me and then just sat there while I took pics... #latergram #bunnyupdate

When I first moved to the place I am at I started seeing a wild bunny hopping about – it was super skittish and would hop away when you approached it. This was only notewoorthy because I live very close to a built up suburban area.

Anyways so with winter passing I started sort of keeping an eye for the bunny and i saw this lil dude. THIS IS NOT THE USUAL BUNNY! The usual bunny is bigger than this guy – this is BABY BUNNY!!!!! I was so excited. I zoomed a bit to take this picture but when i coninued walking I walked even closer to it and it barely moved! ITS SO CUTE DANGIT!!!

Quote from the post on my inst:

Bunny update! I forgot to share – I took this on Friday. NEWSFLASH this is not the usual bunny!!! The usual one is 3 times bigger and a lot more skittish. This is a baby bunny!!!!! (bit hard to tell with nothing else nearby to tell the size) And he did one lil hop away from me and then just sat there while I took pics… #latergram #bunnyupdate