Paranormal Activity

I went and saw Paranormal Activity last week. Damn I was disappointed!!
I hadnt planned to see it because the ads here in Australia were all ‘ooh its so scary’ and I was all ‘gimme a break – i aint seeing that’ then a couple of people who I thought I could trust the opinion of saw it and said it freaked them out. So I thought ok i will see it…judge for myself. I regret wasting that money. IT WASNT SCARY LOSERS!!!!!!!!!!

Now I am probably gonna write some spoilers here so dont read on if you plan to see it and dont want to be spoiled.

First up – the one thing in horror movies that is just standard ‘how stupid can you get’ complaint is that whole thing where people do stuff that we as viewers KNOW is stupid…putting themselves intentionaly in danger..BUT we sort of forgive it because they are in a movie and dont know that they are IN a horror movie – right?
Well in this film I couldnt forgive – especially after the psychic guy comes and tells them NOT to do certain things because it will make it worse (like the bloody ouija board) and the stupid wanker guy still got one!
Also just the whole film I wanted to smash the guys face. I wanted him to die. Everything he did pissed me off more. There were two points well before the denouement where if I had been the girl I would have walked. At one point they are having another disagreement about the filming and he comes out with some crack that well she should have said something about the weirdness that happens before she moved in but now its here he has a say in what they do about it. Pig! And then when he gets the ouija board. Dude I would be GONE YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!!!!!

So yeah I kept waiting for it to get weird and or scary and it just didnt.
I think a large part of it was the noise you hear when the thing is about to do something that they added to the re-edit – where was the surprise in what was happening?
I do recall having a minor shiver in the scsne where the thing pulls her outta the bed by her foot BUT it could have been because of the extreme air conditioning in the cinema! 😀

And yeah – in the final scene obviously you are waiting for something to happen but yo i didnt expect the guys butt to fly at the camera (I know it was in some of the trailers so lots of people went and saw it and were waiting for that shot but everytime the ads came on i rolled my eyes and stopped watching so if it was in teh aussie ads i missed it).
Best thing – I saw it with some friends and after the last scene was done and the screamers and nervous gigglers had quietened and the lil bit of text comes up on the screen my friend goes “That was shit!” and everyone heard her. Cracked me up!

I watched the original ending online and I have to say I think my friends would have been even more annoyed if that had been the ending.

I just found the site again that has the original ending still up if you want to see it.

I was just reading this review about it and its talking near the end how some people wont ‘get’ why its scary. I understand why it should be scary..and when I went home my brain was pondering how I would feel if I realised there was a presence in my house – I KNOW i would freak. But it says this:

Good horror relies on you empathizing with the characters, in other words, the events depicted would be terrifying if they happened to you.

I sort of empathised with the girl, but the guy pissed me off SO much that I couldnt enjoy the horroriness of it because 1) he was an obnoxious twat that I WANTED to be hurt and 2) he brought it all down on them!

I actually was more interested in the scenes where she sleep walks or is in a trance or whatever. The first time where she goes outside, and then the scene where MIcah finds her and she is holding a crucifix and is she cutting her leg with it or something??? Anyways even though she is in the trancelike state which in other scenes turns out to be somewhat more ominous – those two scenes I got the feeling something in her was trying to save or protect her. The first time – thats why she left the house because as you find out later the thing is in the roof above their bed or in their room…but then maybe it is the thing trying to get her away from the IDIOT BOY!
But definately the crucifix one….shes got a death grip on that sucker and Micah really has to pry it out of her hand…and then the dickhead throws it in the fire. Well you knew it was all over red rover then! MORON!
But yeah – I wonder what other peeps think of those scenes.

Anyways I really rambled a lot about it eh? I dont even do reviews that long for films I love! LOL!