This and that

Saw all the eps that have aired of Dollhouse now.
Knew the chick who plays Sierra was an aussie as soon as she did aussie accent – americans ALWAYS fail at faking it so i KNEW she was a real aussie.

Paul and Echos fight scene was LOTS OF FUN! I LOVED IT!!! I dunno – it was almost as exciting as Spike and Buffys pre-sex fisticuffs. lols

I like the Mellie girl. Continue with that Paul….I shall endeavour to photoshop my face onto pictures of her in bed with you if I get extremely bored one day!

In other random shenanigans I was just checking out Photoshop Disasters – one of my fave blogs and there was this post. The comments have some more gems from this website including this:

Picture was saved as is from the site….click image to see the webpage (though one hopes someone will spot the numerous pieces of dodginess on the site soon and fix them like this special one with a pair of shoes over the models face – but also when you enlarge it the jagged badly cropped edges around the shoes…clearly a cock up!).

Umm what else is happening? Well my lil sister turns 30 tomo! How exciting. We are having a gathering on saturday for her and I am in charge of getting together some music that is made of Emma nostalgia! Its gonna be made of cheese and its gonna be epic and it will surely be MADE OF WIN!
Draculas Tango anyone??