Tales of a fangirl – ancient history

theres a bunch of crinimals alright. haha.
ah the boys.

OMGAWD i was just looking at their site and there is a concert in vancouver on nov 21. LOSERS I WILL BE IN VANCOUVER BY THEN! FUUUUCK I HAVE TO GO……..i wonder if i can transfer money to the credit card in time before it sells out?????

omgawd the flashbacks…you know New Kids were my first ever real concert????? yeah like in the 3 or 4th back in row in the fucking sydney entertainment centre – could barely see them…but omgawd did i cry when joey sung his parts of If You Go Away or what??????????
WHAT a tragedy – the goal of my life from ages 12-14 was to marry that guy…hahahaa so sad it didnt come to fruition.

haha – i stopped being a psycho fangirl in 1992 – sometime after they FINALLY toured australia, but i shall never give up my adoration for the lil joe mac. squeeeeeeeeeee

you know i kept it for years after i stopped worshipping them but i had this HUGE box full of all the posters and articles i had collected of them…eventually i threw in the videos and various other collectables too……i had a lot of lame shit – but damn if i still had that box of posters/articles i could make a fucking MINT on ebay.
i forget when i threw it out……but i am sure i was in my 20s. lols

anyways i should make an effort and listen to their new stuff eh?