Smart thinking 99!

Omgawd the people running our state are on crack. Not only do they want to increase train fares astronomically, they want to stop manning stations AND get rid of guards on most of the fucking trains. Just read this shit!
Do they KNOW how many looneys travel on CityRail???? I have never had to ask for help but I tell you – travelling for over an hour late at night on the train with a bunch of fricking nutters, or drunken loons, or just generally creepy guys who give off a seriously dodgy vibe….you have at least a small sense of security even if you arent in the same carriage as the guards.
Hell – even getting the train home during peak hour the loonies are about – the other day my train was almost empty by Emu Plains but had to still chug up the hill to Springwood….anyways first off this chick started cackling so loud i could hear her over my ipod. and she went on and on for at least 2 stops….and then she started going ‘cooooo coooo’ all the way to fricking springwood – i am NOT kidding. I seriously wanted to shout out ‘shut the fuck up!’ but then i thought ‘what if she is a real crazy person – she might flip out and stab me or something!’ so i just turned my music up louder and tried to ignore….as the train approached my station I got up to walk through the carriages so i was closer to the stairs on the platform and the woman stopped her cooing for like 2 seconds when she saw me and then started agaiN! CRAZY PEOPLE – and it was only 7pm! and you wanna get RID OF THE GUARDS!???????!!!! die you bastards!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously – heres a way to cut the states budget – all members of parliament do not get driven around, or given a car or whatever – they MUST use public transport to get around……then we will see how much the feel tempted to slash the spending on public transport. fuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1