Lisa Germano

Omgawd. Last time i looked for Lisa stuff on youtube all i could find was bad recordings of live performances. They actually have some of her videos on there now!!!!

To start with i will share the song that made me a fan and I still LOVE to this day!


One night in the 90s some of the guys from REM were hosting Rage and one of them chose this song and I was just ‘damn this is FANTASTIC!”‘ but i didnt catch the name of the song OR singer at the time and i had to wait AGES to see it again on Rage and find out who sang it.
When I did find out I went looking for her cds locally but the only album I found was Excerpts from a Love Circus (Puppet is on the album Happiness), and I ummed and ahed for MONTHS about buying it but when I did I LOVED IT and its still my fave album by her overall. But yeah – this song still wins as the most played LG song on my iTunes. 😀

Anyways a couple of other vids

You make Me Wanna Wear Dresses

Kinda cheesy…but she looks so cute. never seen that vid before!

We Suck (live)

(i love this song but its not an ultimate fave.

If I had to choose my favourite singer over all…well i cant pick one. I currently have a top 3 and its all chicks – Lisa, Bonnie Pink and Olivia Lufkin.