grow up! look – speaking as a chick who thanks to the evils of nature has more than adequate chest material, big breasts are not good. can give you pleasant things like back aches, can give you stretch marks if you dont where bras almost all the time, buying nice bras that dont cost a bundle is almost impossible.

this chick is an idiot. and her mother isnt much smarter either. for starters she should make the daughter pay for it herself. i’d let my daughter do it if she could save up the pennies to get it done.

“You’ve got to have breasts to be successful. Every other person you see on television has had implants.” << what a dickhead. i wanna know what shit this chick is watching on tv. most of the females i admire that are famous have small breasts. one of the few people i can think of that has some serious boobage (hehehe) is Drew Barrymore and i read in an article that she got a breast reduction when she was a bit younger.

anyways – enough bitching.