Well deary i am glad you got your lil’ Placebo album. I was worried I would have to go home tonight and go “na na na na naaa na!” because i bought it at lunch time. 🙂

Also bought two They Might Be Giants albums because my mind has been corrupted by one who shall remain nameless. But knowing he liked them it reminded me I dug the songs Birdhouse In Your Soul and Doctor Worm so I went and haunted Red Eye Records for half an hour today. Though they didnt actually have the album with Doctor Worm on it – i thought I would take a chance while the cash flow was good. 🙂 I’ll be broke next week for sure.

That may be because I spent an alarming amount of money on magazines today. I will not name the total figure because it’s embarrassing but the most expensive one was an imported British Internet/Design mag that was $19. Oh the shame.
If there a Magazine Buyers Anonymous? I need to sign up. I bought a mag a few weeks ago for around the same price – another foreign one – because it had a picture of Milla Jovovich in it that I knew wasn’t on this site (which I regularly send in pics to) and the picture was not much larger than a square shaped Post-It. There was nothing else I wanted inside and I couldn’t even read it because it was in another language.
I know…..it’s time to start a twelve step program isnt it?