Now for a non-rant blog moment.

Since Saturday night I have watched a few films on tv.

Revenge of the Nerds
Ma Vie En Rose
half of Poker Alice

I had only seen Revenge of the Nerds 2 and some of 3 so seeing the original was entertaining. And I was very excited to see Michelle Meyrink in it. She played Anthony Edwards’ girlfriend. She was in another great 80s flick where she was a ‘brain’ – Real Genius. That film is a classic! And she is sooooo adorable as Jordan!!!!!!!

Here is a quote by Jordan – if you havent seen Real Genius – she says it really fast and really excited:
“I never sleep, I don’t know why. I had a roomate and I drove her nuts, I mean really nuts, they had to take her away in an ambulance and everything. But she’s okay now, but she had to transfer to an easier school, but I don’t know if that had anything to do with being my fault. But listen, if you ever need to talk or you need help studying just let me know, ’cause I’m just a couple doors down from you guys and I never sleep, okay?”

Ma Vie En Rose was just a beautiful little film. Little Ludovic wants to be a girl when he grows up – it causes the family all sorts of strife. I swear to god – for some reason I was just blubbering through half of this film. I don’t know if I was highly emotional or it really was that sort of film. But his family at times were simply cruel – not to mention the neighbours. I just wanted to hug him and tell him he could be a girl if he really wanted to be. 🙂

Poker Alice had Elizabeth Taylor in it. I simply adore her! She’s just wonderful! I don’t know if it was such a great film from what I saw (but woohooooo – Ramona Ricketts was in it…..another movie reference – my sister would know who i am talking about) but it was very early morning and I simply wasn’t caring. But I have to say everytime I saw George Hamilton I wanted to hurt him. There is just something painful about looking at that guy. 🙂

Psycho – the new one. I have only seen the old from the bit where the sister and boyfriend go visit the Bates Motel themselves so I can’t compare, but I found this one kind of annoying to watch. I think because they tried to make it like the old one with music that is trying to set up tension at times or whatever and more than anything it was just aggravating. I think they should have tried to go for a new take on it to make it a bit more interesting. And damnit – I wanted some stab wounds on her – there looked to be ones on her back when she fell over the side of the bath but none on the front! Bah!

And just on the same subject the SBS Movie Show website (handily free of the SBS frame-thingy).