its thursday and i feel so productive – NOT!

WOO!!! i saw my first ice hockey game last night. the Canucks against Colorado whatevers…… sorry colorado people – i didnt pay that much attention. poor Canucks lost….it came down to a shoot out type thingy and canucks JUST lost. so sad.

its so weird. okay i havent been to a live football match in a veeeeery long time in oz…but i am sure they dont do this – they actually stop the hockey game for commercial breaks….is that nuts or what????????????????????

aww it was so cute – between teh first and second period they had these tiny lil kids come out and play for a bit – it was sooooooo cute. i could actually follow the puck thingy!!!!!!! and they all kept falling over….damn it was sooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!

anyways today i went out and bought a phone to use here. i still havent hauled arse across the city to get my SIN number yet. i am such a bum.

all the chicks from my room have cleared off so i am on my own right now….though we had a temporary stayer last night who i didnt even see till she left this morn. i had booked myself in for a week and i have now paid up for another week so i dont have to worry about being made to change rooms sunday morn.

someone please give me some motivation to go get the SIN thingy and a bank account. if only i knew somewhere nearby taht does bubble tea – then i could reward myself if i do it…sadly the one place i have found is also a walk across the city…..NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

there are waay too many aussies in this hostel – i dont feel like i am in canada really.