Its almost time!

Unless I go on a procrastinating frenzy to avoid finishing packing my suitcase later tonight, this could be my last post from Australia for a while.
Tomorrow I leave the country! WOOHOO!!!

Originally i was flying to Taipei and would have been there 4-5 hours and then would catch the connecting flight to Vancouver (and haha – would have landed in Vancouver the same day I left Australia date wise…..crazy timezones!), but the connecting flight for tomorrow got cancelled so my travel agent lady advised me that when I get to Taipei I am supposed to got to the transit stand???? and the airline has suppoedly arranged for a hotel for the night for moi and i assume any other folks affected. My flight out of Taipei is still at the same time of night the next day so i will be there for more than 24 hours. I wonder if there is much I can do while i am there…

SO yeah -now I will arrive in Canada Sunday evening instead of Saturday evening. Not sure when I will get online next. I dont have a laptop (yet – will be first purchase after i have job and a place to live i think) so will be relying on nt cafes and stuff for a while.
Which reminds me – need to redirect all my email accounts through Gmail tonight.

So yeah – umm – i am working very hard on not freaking out! 😀
I just keep telling myself it will be fine…that whatever i need to do to get settled will work out fine (even with no family or close friends there to back me up). And if it all goes to shit – I can make sure I have AU$100 minimum in my bank account to change the return flight to an earlier date if I have to!

I really need to pack the rest fo the stuff in my suitcase. and move stuff onto my external hard drive so i have my important files handy when i finally get the laptop. And fiish cleaning the room.

But right now…..i feel like napping! haha

OH MY GAH!!! i keep forgetting – the greatest drink chain on earth is originally from taiwan!! I LOVE YOU EASYWAY!!! i hope there is an easyway outlet near the hotel! WOO!