I learned sumfing!!!!!!!!!

So at work we get lotsa magazines. Umm if I shared more about my job you would know why…haha – but I wont. 1) because talking too much about your work on your personal blog is kinda stupid and 2) my last day is November 6! OMGAWD!!!!

Anyways so one of the mags that crossed my desk in the last few days is Kids Discover …its this cute kids mag explaining things in the world and what not.

Anyways – vol 18 #9 Sept 2008 issue is entitled the Presidency. 😀

Now oz doesnt have a president and they dont teach us about how the US system works in aussie schools, of course, so i thought i would have a quick read because these things do interest me.

ANYWAYS this beautful page ‘What Does the President do?’ was very nteresting to me. It has seven points and then explains them a little.

~ Chief Executive (and explains a bit about what ios the executive branch and all that)
~ Head of State
~ Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces
~ Chief Diplomat
~ Legislative Leader
~ Party Leader

and finally….WAIT FOR IT!!!!!

~ Chief Guardian of the Economy!!!!!!!!!!!!


EPIC FAIL GEORGIE! E P I C … F A I L ! ! ! ! ! !