Debates….i try to watch them.

I am gonna try and watch all the US predidential/vice presidential debates…i hope youtube has ’em all. i found the Biden/Palin one and just started watching it.

My net connection is being a dicey bitch this week and wont stream properly so i am only getting a few seconds at a time – its seriously ticking me off…..i am gonna be here for hours watching this shit.

Okay the question about who is at fault about the subprime thing – omgawd Sarah said some sensible shit (okay not the going on about joe sixpack shit..please woman stop with that crap, it makes all your smart words sound ridiculous!) but yeah i totally agree the lenders were at fault AND that people need to learn from this to not live beyond their means. well done chica!
and then Biden starts goin on about how Barack Obama saw this coming two years ago and McCain just let it happen…dude dont start pointing the finger at the other side on this one okay. its a monumental fuck up all around but the main ones at fault ARE the arseholes lending to people, who signed people up for loans they couldnt afford!

[edit1] i forget which question its for but Palin keeps going on about how taxing people is not helping job growth. how is income tax affecting that? its taxing of businesses that would affect job growth.
hmm – okay so if people are getting less in the hand they are buying less on stuff and that affects retail businesses ability to employ more people. but back to the financial crisis and the increases in fuel prices (is the US having a rdiculous increase on food costs too? australia has gone mental in the last few years) – i think that has had a lot bigger affect on peoples spending than how much they are being taxed.

[edit2] okay well omgawd she said something smart again. Biden was talking about democrats planning to not increase taxes for people earning under $250,000 or something, and she said that small business would be earning above that so WOULD get taxed more and that would affect job growth…okay thanks for starting to make sense woman!

oh but now on to the health care thing. shes there commenting on ‘do you really want the federal govt running the health care system because look how dodgy the govt has been lately?’ – WOMAN – its your party running the show!!11 if there is fucking up its on your side.
anyways this health care credit thing sounds suspiciously like the thing we have in oz for people to join up to private health care. rebecca votes that one down!!!
i cant afford private health care…i earn jack shit in my job! only reason i was able to pay for the hospital/surgeon fees on friday was 1) dad payed for me temporarily and 2) half the money i have saved for canada – as soon as i get there i gotta pay it back to dad.

and omgawd the stupid video has stalled again! DIE!!!!!!!!!! (only a third of the way through…..kill me nooow!)

i know this sounds like i am supporting the crazy lady and her cohorts but if i was a US citizen i would totally be voting Democrat and would generally be going go lil Biden-dude! but i am just wanting to be fair and point out where i think he is talking shit and Palin is making sense. heh.

[edit3 – fucking 2am people! yes it took that long!] there is so much they are talking about and they are both saying okay things. i just grabbing certain things that jump out at me.

okay same-sex couples thing. fine about the giving equal civil rights to all but everyone needs a slap for not supporting gay marriage.

hmm – the diplomacy question……i like what they both said, damnit!
but Republicans havent done much about diplomacy while they have been running the show. i need to see some more McCain stuff….does teh guy have any skills in this area??? i dont have a lot of faith in that party. good ol’ Clinton was a shonky perv but one thing that guy was a winner at was diplomacy.

okay i am done…..overall – they both did really well. i think because i am not American so not actually invested in this personally i am not going ‘oh she sucks and he is brill’. politically i would SO be a Democrat but i think they both had good things to say about different issues. and really – after the stuff i have seen of her previously i was seriously impressed with Sarah Palin in this debate.
i liked Bidens final statement better though. 😀

i feel sorry for people sitting on the fence in this election. I need to see the Barack/McCain debates, but based on this alone if you arent committed to one party of the other – how can you choose?

gawd how long is it gonna take me to download the two presidential nominee debates?????????

anyways i am off to read about teh war in Darfur while i start trying to download the first pres nominee debate because i dont know much about it and it was something in the VP debate that i was all ‘okay i need to find out about that!’

Anyways I am probably gonna give the other debates their own posts.

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