siiiiiing, sing a soooong.

A non-salvage post. Dont fall off your chair in shock. BUT WAIT! Its about the main other topic I have been posting about lately – music.

So for reasons i have yet to fathom about 2am this morn i was feeling an overwhelming sense of ‘dude i need some more decent rock songs to listen to!
i have quite a lot of stuff on my computer (as i found out) but i decided to make a playlist in itunes. Originally i was going for slightly more hard core stuff (first songs I added where White Zombies Welcome to Planet Motherfucker and Black Sunshine…heh) but when the standard dropped remarkably as i addrd The Final Countdown by Europe I decided it should be a little broader. originally the playlist was called rockin shit now its rock and some cheese. haha
but yeah – the damn thing has 500 songs and only about 5 of them were downloaded last night…so uh yeah. i had more than i thought….but then the standards of rock ARE pretty low – Avril Lavigne songs are in there……

but yeah – i also went on a mini downloading spree. was up till almost 4am. therefore i am veeeeeeeery tired right now.

i also decided to make another playlist called electronica which my plan was to have any techno-y/electronic music stuff….but it broadened to anything you can dance to and some seriously lame sythy pop music. so i renamed it as well to electronica-dance etc
anyhoo its only 308 songs…..but it could be way huger if i added all my Daisuke Asakura stuff….but i was a bit choosy.

Anyways i was listening to the rock and some cheese one most of today……i have an alarming number of tracks that are on Guitar Hero 3!

oh – people keep bugging me how many songs do i have…i will write it here (though it could change shortly…am always adding stuff) – 5686 songs….15.8 days worth of music…….noice!!!!

I’m not too obsessed with music am i? 😀