
What is is? Its a dance craze that looks like it was big in Paris around the middle of last year (I havent found any recent Youtube vids). I am sure its been blogged about the place before this but I had never even heard of it till this weekend when I found this link.

It made me laugh but go WOW too at the kids breaking into dance in the middle of the street. And I totally fell in love with the song used in the first Youtube vid on that link – Yelle ~ A Cause Des Garcons (Tepr Remix). Behold:

Here are some other links.

Anyways, my fave thing about the dance style is the arms move around like crazy and they sometimes forget to do interesting stuff with their legs. And the clothes style….its like sorta lame punk/junkie-look/80s retro gone BAD! Its brill and I love it! Go you french kids!

Haha – Techtonik vs Breakdancing dance offs – omgawd I would love to see this stuff live!!!

Anyways, I cant stop listening to that Yelle song!