Jason Manns’ cd

As I mentioned a few posts ago, I saw a clip of Jason singing Crazy Love on Youtube, then found him on Myspace and I would say within half an hour I had bought his cd. That was Thursday and it got here today (Wednesday). WOO FOR FAST SHIPPING TO AU!

Anyway, I really love the cd. I am shit these days at categorising music – I use my own categories that make sense to no one but me, but I would describe his songs as all kind of very mellow rock. Ah – CDBaby (where I ordered the cd) gives this description “unique blend of folky blues and pop with a clear, smooth, and soaring vocal.

His vocals are damn beautiful! He has a GORGEOUS voice!!! I am listening it over and over to really take in the lyrics and its SO going on the ipod to listen to to and from work tomorrow! 😀

But yeah – if you want to have a quick listen to see if you might like to get it too there are samples on the cdbaby page linked above. I TOTALLY recommend buying it. Its just lovely.

Here is me being a tool with my new cd – and why does my cover art have Jason Manns written in big bold text on it but all the pics on the web dont??? T.T