another day….

Manifest was fun. I got to spend lots of time with my Melbourne friends too. I have a bunch of pics up on Flickr but I havent had a chance to add tags, descriptions and stuff yet.

Animania is on this weekend but I havent pre-regged and it costs a small fortune on the day – SO THANKS BUT NO THANKS!!!!!! Which is annoying because lots of bjd owners will be there on Sunday. T.T

But I will not be sad for it is long weekend – i love a day off work!!!!!!!

Umm, not sure what else noteworthy is happening.

Oh – one of the companies that have a thing wher eyou print stuff from Flickr – Moo has this thing at the moment where Flickr Pro users can order 10 minicards for free…. and I did! I cant wait to get them!