sunday i went to penrith and saw The Mexican – which i thought was pretty good by the way. anyways – i was thinking of sticking around afterwards to wait till the next screening of antitrust was on but i decided i wasnt that desperate to perv on Ryan Phillipe so i went home. when i got there it was about 2:15pm and no one else was home and i was still really tired so i decided to lie down and have a snooze. i sort of though i should leave a message on the fridges whiteboard to let people know i was home but i assumed they would probably have a look in my room to see if i was there if i did sleep a while. boy was i wrong.
i woke up around 8:30 and i turned on my tv and watched a little bitr of the various movie that were on and then i got up and went out to the loungeroom where my mum, dad and brother all started going “where the hell have you been?” i told i had been snoozing. they thought i was still down in penrith or something nasty had happened to me – though they were so concerned on that score that they still managed to have a roast dinner without me. 🙂