well yesterday at work, by 2pm, i officially ran out of things to do. every update on my desk was there because the service it needed to be filed in was missing one or more binders that i needed, i had also filed every Bills & Ems, Weekly Tax Bulletin, Taw Week and Australian Tax Reoprts, and last batch of bound Aust. Tax Reports. I had cleaned away the newspapers from every reading room of any papers from before this week. I had tidied my desk and thrown out any extra updates we had. I HAD NOTHING TO DO.

It was very hard to try and look busy for then next hour and a half before my supervisor came back from a meeting that she had left for sometime before midday. If I get caught doing fun stuff like blogging these days people get kinda cranky…

Anyways, she finally appeared and while she ate her lunch we had a quick talk and we decided that because there was nothing to do, I would spend the rest of the day (i only had about half an hour before i finished) writing her an email listing all the missing binders – what service they were from and how long ago the last update was done – and also listing all the updates we havent received to she can email the publishers, and then today I wouldnt have to go in.

Maybe by Tuesday some people will have returned some of the missing binders, and maybe there wil be some mail to sort.

Anyways, not tomorrow, but next Friday I am going over to North Sydney for two hours to that place where I had that job interview and they are gonna give me a little go at doing the job…so it seems they are thinking of potentially employing me! WOOHOO!!!!! But maybe they will try out a few other people too – I dont know. But anyways – if I get the job then I think I will be a little bit excited. Even with the having to get up DAMN early and having to work more hours, and actually having some responsibilty (oh the terror!) I see a shiny symbol in the sky that makes it all good – a nice big dollar sign! 🙂

Materialistic fiend that I am!!!!!!!

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