
hmm – been working this morning like a good munchkin.

i hope parents remember to buy some lollies and stuff for the lil’ kids who will come ‘trick or treat’ing tonight. we don’t get many but a few always show up. it’s always terribly embarrassing when dad goes “oh we dont have any lollies….but do you guys want some crackers or something?” OH THE SHAME!!!!!!!!!

my sister, me and our neighbours used to be the main kids in our street that ‘trick or treat’ed – we rarely had cool costumes – whack on a bit of black, do funky things to the hair, carry a broom – and voila! a witch. or sometimes some would go punk, and the old standard – whip a sheet over yourself and you’re a ghost. 🙂

it’s was quite funny – we would do the whole street and only about half of them would give us anything. my faves were the old guy who ranted at us saying it’s a stupid american tradition and “THIS IS NOT AMERICA!” and the guy up the road who gave us all tiny tubes of tooth paste. 🙂

oh – and some years the trick stuff got really ugly – but usually that was between rival groups of kids. though my sister told me one year when she and her friends mixed up this stuff with shampoo, water, all this other stuff but the one weird ingredient i recall was dog food – and there was this jerk up the road who wouldnt give them anything and he was a real prick about it and so my sister and her friends poured this stuff on a bit of his front lawn and they went back a week later the grass where they poured it had died. fantastic!

actually now i think about it – when i was really young a lot more kids in the street did ‘trick or treat’ but they were all closer to my brothers age or older. i vaguely recall them putting shaving cream in peoples letter boxes and such. hmmm. i wish halloween was bigger here in oz – but then we should actually have it in another part of the year if we want to be true to the pagan calender….

ramble ramble ramble

anyhoo – some dorky halloween links from google