poopy. i just heard a report on triple j news about a court case going on about a chap who shot his friend while he was off his face at a party up in the Blue Mountains (where i live) and i wanted to blog it but i cant find anything on the ABC news page about it. dagnabit

the reason i wanted to blog it is because my sister knew the people involved.

the story i heard of what happened was both the guys where either high or really drunk and for some reason one guy had a gun and they decided to go bush bashing for a bit. anyways – i dont recall if they argued or anything but the guy shot his mate and then went back to the party, screwed his girlfriend and went home and the next morning turned himself into the cops.

you dont hear a lot of stories like that up where i live, even though supposedly the mountians is a fave dumping ground for dead bodies.

i also remember reading about a car that was parked near one of the train stations further up the mountains from where i am, and for some reason the cops went and had a look at it and inside there was a charred body. kinda ruins the image of the Blue Mountains being a nice place to live really.