self harm

even though my site isnt loading right now i am going to blog this because i am gonna go have a sleep soon and i want it blogged now 🙂

i hope this is okay with my friend, but i wanted to put a link to an entry in her Open Diary about Self Injury. There are 4 more after this about how she started and how she has been coping with it. Until I read about it in her diary I had never heard of it before, and it has made me wonder about some people i have known, if things they have done in the past were mild forms of Self Injury.

in the last entry it says “don’t treat them like some lunatic or pariah… don’t run away from them… and don’t be afraid that they’re suddenly going to snap and kill themselves”. thats fair enough but what if you find someone hurting themselves and you dont realise they are Self Injurers and not suicidal – of course you are going to freak out. i am not hassling you but that would be my first reaction if i saw someone cutting themselves. especially if it’s someone you care about. it’s one of the most awful things to see – someone you care about trying to hurt themselves.

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