My sister and I are special

The lovely Bryan asked me over a week ago to send him a sound file of me talking ’cause he wanted to hear an aussie accent. Well I finally made am mp3 tonight of me and my sister, Emma, behaving like idiots – no I am not sharing it because we were being total morons and it was 7+ minutes of pain and suffering.
Just before we did it my sister and I had been discussing NKOTB and then for some unknown reason Emma start quoting whole quotes from Forest Gump. I asked her how she could remember it so well and it turned out at her boyfriends house they have it on video and she has watched it repetitively. Now I can understand watching Weird Science or Better Off Dead a dozen times or more over the holidays…..but Forest Gump?
Anyways – we went a bit crazy and we started recording Emma doing Forest Gump quotes – and I will share this one with you (turn up the sound – our mic sucks).
Then finally I asked Emma to record the file for Bryan with me.
Anyways – go visit him and tell him he looks spunky with his glasses! 🙂

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